Private Sessions in the Extraordinary
Tao Calligraphy Level 2 Field!
DATE & TIMES: By Appointment
Enjoy powerful private, individual or couples, meditation and practice sessions in the Tao Calligraphy Field. Lie down and relax on a massage table, sit and meditate in stillness, or trace the Tao Calligraphies in this sacred, high frequency and vibration field of Love, Forgiveness, Light, Compassion, Gratitude, Harmony and more. Experience the transformative art and invisible power that nourishes you with positive messages to transform any aspect of life including health, relationships, finances, business, intelligence, spiritual journey and more.
Fee: $100 for a 1 hour session with a Tao Calligraphy Field Master Teacher and Practitioner
Fee: $300 package of four 1 hour sessions (25% discount)