Private Sessions

Full Private Session Custom Transformation Package: $350

Schedule a Complimentary Initial Conversation Here

Explain your challenge  • Find answers • Transform your life

image of cairns

A Cairn is a trail marker used to indicate the direction of a trail. They are placed so that travelers will not lose the path and will understand the crossroads where choices matter.

Be supported and empowered to transform the root causes of what is affecting your health and happiness. In our Private Sessions, we listen and learn about the obstacles and interferences that are causing difficulties.

Your challenge (in any aspect of life) is personal to you and your plan for transformation should be as well. Your customized transformational roadmap is aimed at the root causes of what you want to transform. Step-by-step we will persevere with you until you have the outcome you are looking for.

The Private Session process includes three steps.

  • In the initial conversation, we listen, take notes and ask questions to understand as much as we can about what you want to transform.
  • We then check guidance using a thorough and systematic approach. We create priorities and recommendations that provide a path for you to reach more wellness.
  • In the follow up session, we deliver your roadmap. You receive a specific, tailor-made service and practice plan to transform the root cause(s) of your issue and discuss options on how to get started.
Schedule a Complimentary Initial Conversation Here

Private Session Package $350

(We love animals and can assist your pet with their health challenges and behavioral issues as well!)

Click here to review the Private Session waiver.